Ascended Masters   Ascended masters are great spiritual teachers and healers, most of whom lived as humans upon the earth.  They are powerful guides who can help you understand your life’s purpose, master the courage to make significant changes in your life and to develop your psychic and manifestation abilities.  Each ascended master has specialities such as healing, manifesting, ascension, relationships, and so forth.  They come from every religion and culture and they are nondenominational.

The Ascended Master Oracle Cards are just one of the many oracle card decks available by Doreen Virtue and Hay House Publishing.   This  44 card deck and Guidebook is all that one needs to get started in connecting with your ascended masters and angels.  This particular deck is best used with a three card spread either by itself or with additional oracle cards for more detail and insight on the reading.  You can use as many additional decks as you choose.

The coloring of the cards are beautiful, luminescent of gold and violet colors.  When handling the ascended master cards I can sense the healing abilities they represent.  There is an inner glow of light that emanates from each and every card and as I shuffle the cards I feel the softness, the beautiful energy of the masters so powerful that it seems to immediately open the heart chakra.

I would like to share with you a reading that I did on myself with the ascended master oracle cards.  At first I did the reading with only the ascended masters but then decided to show you how using other decks can offer deeper insight into the reading.

The question that I had asked to be answered was, “Where am I at this moment in my life, where am I headed as I know I can be impatient but please give me guidance best needed at this moment in time.”

AM 3

With any three card spread the fist card to the left represents the immediate past relevant to the situation, middle card represents the current status and what you need to work on at the present and the last card to the right represents the immediate future.     I will give you a brief synopsis of the reading so that you may see the similarities of the cards.  During a reading with a client I would give a lot more detail than what is written below.

AM y Angels 3

Past relevant to the question:    Meditate/Siddhartha Guatama Buddha,  Steady Progress/St.Therese of Lisieux, Ace of Fire

There is a definite theme among these cards as well as the others.  It made me chuckle a bit when I pulled the meditation card as I have just finished doing the 21 day meditation challenge with Oprah and Deepak!   What these cards are all saying is to relax a bit, meditate or find quiet time for yourself, I am making progress with my life, don’t be impatient.

Current Status:   Find the blessings in your current situation/ Krishna, Triumphant/Guardian Angel,The World

The ascended masters and angels are all saying to me that I need to take a look at all the good things going on in my life, the blessings, that the guardian angels are watching over me. All of my desires and wishes are being manifested and that I have been learning great lessons and ready to move on to the next stage or level of my life.

AM Angels Tarot

Immediate Future relevant to the question:  Power of Joy/ Maitraya, Blessings of Abundance/Guardian Angel, The Wheel

All of these cards are indicating that if I stay on the right path that there will be great joy,abundance and fortune on my side.  Following the path that gives me joy will lead to a bright future.   How relevant that what gives me the greatest joy at the moment is writing and the angel card readings!

If you would like to know more about the angel card readings or would like to schedule and appointment for yourself to connect with the angels or ascended masters please feel free to email me: or visit my Facebook page for more information and daily insight. Sacred Visions Angel Card Readings

Sacred Visions

Hay House publishing has given me the Ascended Masters oracle cards for the sole purpose of review.  This review is based solely on my opinion.